In pregnancy the exhaustive control of oral hygiene, is very important since it is at this stage that the hormone levels are altered and thus produce some modifications in the body. Preventive awareness at this stage is vital for pregnant women or one that wants to be it.In the dental field arises these alterations or translates through the gingival inflammation with bleeding.
Already any irritant although it is at a minimum as the bacterial plaque, gum will an over-react against this aggression. How to effectively combat this disease, which is gingivitis, is through a proper brushing, where you have to buy a straight brush with bristles flat and medium-hard, a toothpaste that in its prospectus says it has ingredients against gingivitis, dental floss to clean between teeth and tooth and a mouthwash with fluorine.
The technique is as follows:
- With the brush dental and tooth paste is gently placed between the gum and the tooth with a cancellation of 45 degrees with respect to the tooth, feeling that they come the bristles gently between the tooth and the gums. Once there will be a short movement front and back without leaving the place as if it was a vibration, and count to 12 and make a sweep with the brush to remove dental plaque, thus in all sectors of the mouth, then clean and finally inside the faces we where chewing teeth one by one. You may feel discomfort and bleeding but after a few days is desinflamarán the gums.
- Dental floss is used to remove dental plaque that was not removed by brushing since it does not penetrate into those places, where will enter with the thread very soft tooth-by-tooth trying to not injure the gums.
- Mouthwash with fluorine, the function that meet these, is that inhibit the development and bacterial adhesion. A crop will be done before bedtime and after a mouth brushing.
Note: Must be oral hygiene 3 times a day, or later of each main meal.
It is also important that you visit a dentist during pregnancy and inform you that this pregnant, since front exposure of radiation as the rays x can affect to your baby (X-rays), and that the dentist/a must protect against them.
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