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Friday, September 26, 2014

Is Hygiene Important During Pregnancy?

In pregnancy the exhaustive control of oral hygiene, is very important since it is at this stage that the hormone levels are altered and thus produce some modifications in the body. Preventive awareness at this stage is vital for pregnant women or one that wants to be it.In the dental field arises these alterations or translates through the gingival inflammation with bleeding.

Already any irritant although it is at a minimum as the bacterial plaque, gum will an over-react against this aggression. How to effectively combat this disease, which is gingivitis, is through a proper brushing, where you have to buy a straight brush with bristles flat and medium-hard, a toothpaste that in its prospectus says it has ingredients against gingivitis, dental floss to clean between teeth and tooth and a mouthwash with fluorine.

Diet Is Equal To Dental Health

The diet that you eat, is reflected in his body, this means that when you eat junk food, for example... burgers, sweets, fried foods, soft drinks, daily, will be reflected in your body, translating as for example, increased body weight, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, fatty liver, and may lead to heart problems and predisposition to myocardial. Therefore today food we have today is high-fat, sugar and salt, that daily enters our body, altering our normal physiological processes.

Homemade Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Homemade cream for dry skin. Try these lotions to make your skin more moist with these emollient ingredients below.

Your Beautiful New Teeth with Dental Implants

Do you want beautiful new teeth? The implants have become become the first choice of aesthetic restoration. You will learn that they are and how you can pay less. Only here

Imagine this context: years ago when someone lost a tooth--or several--had few alternatives to remedy the situation; the first was to just leave things as is, with what is known as edentulous, i.e. absence of teeth. Other restoration options comprised use bridges, which were teeth of different materials, anchored to the teeth of the side, who had to wear out even if they are healthy, but wait, that was the choice of luxury, the other was use removable prostheses, si, acertartaste, those that take out at night and are placed in a glass of waterwhich used the grandmother.

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